Grotto Network -- 145 posts
Continual Growth - 3 Minute Read

How Emotional Maturity Can Help You Grow

Felt Needs - 7 Minute Read

Saints in Your Corner If You Have Anxiety

Continual Growth - 3 Minute Read

Avoiding Gossip is Hard — Here’s My Advice

Faith - 5 Minute Read

How Do We Protect Our Peace?

Continual Growth - 5 Minute Read

Accepting Grace Doesn’t Always Look Graceful

Felt Needs - 6 Minute Read

5 Tips for Dealing with Envy

Challenges - 6 Minute Read

6 Steps to Addressing Your Workplace Burnout

Personal Faith - 4 Minute Read

How Resting on Sundays Can Transform Your Perspective

Felt Needs - 5 Minute Read

What Would a Debt Jubilee Mindset Look Like in Our World Today?

Faith - 7 Minute Read

The Small Voice Nudging Us From Within

Prayer & Scripture - 3 Minute Read

How My Morning Coffee Transformed My Spiritual Life

Challenges - 3 Minute Read

How I Battled Loneliness with Tacos (and Intentionality)

Felt Needs - 5 Minute Read

4 Common Ways We Misplace Our Self-Worth

Miracles - 7 Minute Read

"In the Waters of Lourdes"

Faith - 3 Minute Read

How I Find God in Everyday Life

Faith in Culture - 7 Minute Read

In the Waters of Lourdes

Family - 6 Minute Read

4 Ways to Help Aging Loved Ones Grow Old at Home

Faith in Culture - 3 Minute Read

Digital Minimalism: How to Live Better with Technology

Faith in Culture - 7 Minute Read

How Do We Avoid Tech Interfering With Our Humanity?

Faith in Culture - 5 Minute Read

Why I'm Catholic: It's a Force for Good

Faith in Culture - 9 Minute Read

How to Navigate Some of Today's Most Pressing Issues

Identity & Purpose - 6 Minute Read

Finding a Narrative Worth Belonging To

Identity & Purpose - 5 Minute Read

Listening to the Gentle Nudge to Leap Into Service

Fulfilling Desires - 6 Minute Read

3 Things to Consider Before Entering Grad School

Fulfilling Desires - 6 Minute Read

I Got the Degree, but Not the Life That Was Promised With It

Marriage & Parenting - 3 Minute Read

Understanding Family Life as a School for Growth

Marriage & Parenting - 5 Minute Read

The Benefits of Raising Children with a Digital Village

What is Catholicism - 7 Minute Read

What It Means to be a Catholic Feminist

Deeper Relationships - 7 Minute Read

I Screwed Up Badly — Now What?

Fulfilling Desires - 4 Minute Read

Unlock Your Superpower: 5 Ways to Adopt a Growth Mindset

Identity & Purpose - 5 Minute Read

How to Take Charge of Your Life

Fulfilling Desires - 4 Minute Read

How Self-Care Can ‘Sharpen Your Saw’

Fulfilling Desires - 5 Minute Read

How I Found the True Meaning of 'Play’

Biblical Worldview - 6 Minute Read

What Creation Teaches Us About the Creator

Faith in Culture - 4 Minute Read

3 Joyful Things to Feast on During Easter

Biblical Worldview - 2 Minute Read

Worried About Money? Offer Up This Prayer

Hearing God's Voice - 5 Minute Read

Prayer Hacks for the ADHD Soul

What is Catholicism - 5 Minute Read

How I’ve Come to Like Praying Without My Own Words

What is Catholicism - 4 Minute Read

The History of Lent and Why it Matters

Faith in Culture - 4 Minute Read

This Lent, Strive for Improvement, Not Perfection

Faith in Culture - 11 Minute Read

Lenten Bundle: What You Need for the Next 40 Days

What is Catholicism - 7 Minute Read

3 Things to Notice at Mass on Ash Wednesday

The Mission Field - 3 Minute Read

Almsgiving Reveals Something Sacred in All of Us

Faith in Culture - 3 Minute Read

The Outgoing-Introvert’s Survival Guide

The Mission Field - 5 Minute Read

Building Bridges as a Missionary in Cambodia

Hearing God's Voice - 3 Minute Read

Prayer, Just Like Exercise, Takes Discipline

Identity & Purpose - 6 Minute Read

How I Dealt with Imposter Syndrome in My Faith Life

Marriage & Parenting - 5 Minute Read

What is Reparenting — And How Can it Help You?

Deeper Relationships - 5 Minute Read

Boundaries 101: Creating Space

Continual Growth - 3 Minute Read

Podcasts That Will Inspire Successful Resolutions

Missionary Identity - 141 Minute Read

What It's Really Like to Be a Catholic Missionary

Missionary Identity - 6 Minute Read

3 Ways to Love Those We’ve Never Met

Marriage & Parenting - 5 Minute Read

How to Start New Traditions With Your Spouse

Identity & Purpose - 8 Minute Read

4 Ways to Cultivate Joy in Our Lives

Faith in Culture - 10 Minute Read

Why Shopping Shouldn't Be A Hobby

Deeper Relationships - 8 Minute Read

How I've Learned to Heal From an Imperfect Family

Deeper Relationships - 5 Minute Read

Setting Healthy Boundaries for the Holidays

Deeper Relationships - 6 Minute Read

TFW You're Home for the Holidays and Family is Wearing You Down

Biblical Worldview - 5 Minute Read

How to Create (and Stick to) a Christmas Budget

Identity & Purpose - 7 Minute Read

7 Ways to Manage Your Mental Health This Holiday Season

Deeper Relationships - 4 Minute Read

Christmas Gift Ideas for Every Love Language

Identity & Purpose - 7 Minute Read

3 Mary-Inspired Resolutions to Set (& Keep) This Year

Identity & Purpose - 6 Minute Read

How to Cope with Depression During the Holidays

Biblical Worldview - 5 Minute Read

5 Ways to Cope with Loneliness Over the Holidays

Faith in Culture - 4 Minute Read

How to Rock Your New Godparenting Gig

Identity & Purpose - 5 Minute Read

How To Improve Self-Discipline

Identity & Purpose - 7 Minute Read

TFW You Want to Be a Better Person

What is Catholicism - 5 Minute Read

4 Ways Fasting Benefits Your Spiritual Health

What is Catholicism - 3 Minute Read

3 Ways Fasting Improved My Life

Biblical Worldview - 5 Minute Read

Living Alongside Death

Biblical Worldview - 4 Minute Read

"A Great Guiding Light"

Prayer & Scripture - 4 Minute Read

A Practical Guide to Praying for Others

Identity & Purpose - 5 Minute Read

Why We Should All Practice 'Detachment'

Faith in Culture - 6 Minute Read

Why I'm Trying to Live Authentically On- and Offline

Relational Evangelization - 6 Minute Read

Benefits of Athiest-Catholic Relationships

Relational Evangelization - 5 Minute Read

How Befriending My Neighbors Changed My Life

Encouragement - 7 Minute Read

Finding Fellowship: How I Built Community at a New Church

Felt Needs - 5 Minute Read

Why You Need a Life Advisory Board (Beyond Your BFFs)

Prayer & Scripture - 6 Minute Read

One Way to Remember to Pray for Others

Hearing God's Voice - 6 Minute Read

This Form of Prayer Can Help Center Yourself

Hearing God's Voice - 4 Minute Read

How I Learned to 'Just Talk' to God

Hearing God's Voice - 5 Minute Read

How I Learned to Be Emotionally Open with God in Prayer

Hearing God's Voice - 3 Minute Read

How to Pray if You're New to It

Deeper Relationships - 3 Minute Read

3 Ways to Maximize Your Mentor's Expertise

Missionary Identity - 4 Minute Read

What I Learned by Being a Mentor

Relational Evangelization - 3 Minute Read

3 Qualities You Need to Be a Good Mentor

Identity & Purpose - 8 Minute Read

10 Bingeworthy Nonfiction Reads

Fulfilling Desires - 5 Minute Read

3 Ways Reading Books Can Save Your Life

Hearing God's Voice - 6 Minute Read

Start Your Morning With Inspiration

Faith in Culture - 5 Minute Read

Staying Joyful in a World that Glorifies Stress

Missionary Identity - 3 Minute Read

What St. Paul Can Teach Us About Christian Joy

Evangelization Tools - 4 Minute Read

A Space Where Strangers Become Friends

Hearing God's Voice - 5 Minute Read

How to Start (and Sustain) a New Prayer Practice

What is Catholicism - 6 Minute Read

Those Struggling with Religion vs. God

Faith in Culture - 4 Minute Read

How Resting on Sundays Can Transform Your Perspective

What is Catholicism - 8 Minute Read

Catholicism Can Be Weird — Maybe That’s the Best Part?

Missionary Identity - 3 Minute Read

What Backpacking Ministry Taught Me About Hospitality

Fulfilling Desires - 3 Minute Read

Why Is Forgiveness Important?

Evangelization Tools - 4 Minute Read

‘How Do I Serve the Church as a Lay Person?’

Continual Growth - 7 Minute Read

We Need to Slow Down to Save the World

Faith in Culture - 5 Minute Read

3 Ways to Fight Consumerism by Living Simply

Marriage & Parenting - 4 Minute Read

How Meta-Emotions Can Escalate Conflict in Your Marriage

Prayer & Scripture - 4 Minute Read

A Practical Guide to Praying for Others

Biblical Worldview - 3 Minute Read

Why Is Forgiveness Important?

Deeper Relationships - 6 Minute Read

How to Make Conflict Constructive for Your Marriage

Deeper Relationships - 3 Minute Read

Why Date Nights are Important After You're Married

Marriage & Parenting - 6 Minute Read

What We Might Be Missing When We Think About Chastity

Identity & Purpose - 5 Minute Read

The Antidote to Shallow Consumerism: Intentional Habits

Biblical Worldview - 8 Minute Read

The Privilege of Fatherhood

Faith in Culture - 4 Minute Read

Why It's Important to Find Balance in Fatherhood

Deeper Relationships - 3 Minute Read

A Newlywed's #1 Tip for a Strong Marriage

Biblical Worldview - 8 Minute Read

You Have 4,000 Weeks to Live — How Are You Spending Them?

The Mission Field - 8 Minute Read

Meet the Couple Opening Their Home in a Radical Way

Identity & Purpose - 4 Minute Read

Why a Spiritual Director Just Might Be What You Need

Continual Growth - 3 Minute Read

How to Use “Cues” to Form Intentional Habits

Marriage & Parenting - 6 Minute Read

Discovering True Love After the Wedding

Faith in Culture - 5 Minute Read

Hate Your Job? Questions To Help You Move Forward

Deeper Relationships - 5 Minute Read

Saints for the Ordinary Times of a Marriage

Who is Jesus - 6 Minute Read

5 Ways We Can Find Proof of God’s Existence

Hearing God's Voice - 4 Minute Read

I Used a Daily Reflection for a Month — Here’s How it Changed Me

Who is Jesus - 6 Minute Read

Why It’s Okay if You’re in a Spiritual Slump Right Now

Hearing God's Voice - 6 Minute Read

How Fitness Can Help Your Prayer Life

Hearing God's Voice - 4 Minute Read

How to Start Praying Daily

What is Catholicism - 5 Minute Read

The Secret to Praying With Icons

Hearing God's Voice - 4 Minute Read

A Practical Guide to Praying for Others

Hearing God's Voice - 7 Minute Read

What Good are “Thoughts and Prayers” Anyway?

Deeper Relationships - 5 Minute Read

How to Nurture Your Marriage Through a Pandemic

Deeper Relationships - 6 Minute Read

8 Saints You’ll Want Interceding for Your Love Life

Deeper Relationships - 5 Minute Read

Meet the First ‘Working-Mom’ Saint

Faith in Culture - 4 Minute Read

Why 2021 is the Perfect Year to Look to St. Joseph

Deeper Relationships - 8 Minute Read

5 Lessons Learned in 5 Years of Marriage

Fulfilling Desires - 9 Minute Read

How To Utilize the Superpower of Habits

Identity & Purpose - 4 Minute Read

How I Am Taking Ownership of My Faith Life

Hearing God's Voice - 6 Minute Read

Why Silence Is Key To Health & Happiness

Hearing God's Voice - 3 Minute Read

What An Imaginative Prayer Experience Taught Me

Identity & Purpose - 6 Minute Read

Things To Do To Help Find Your Calling

Fulfilling Desires - 3 Minute Read

How To Make The Most of Advent

Faith in Culture - 5 Minute Read

This Saint Found Peace During Quarantine — So Can We

Fulfilling Desires - 3 Minute Read

Some Questions Have to Be Lived, Not Answered

Faith in Culture - 5 Minute Read

How Prayer Affects Your Mental Health

Identity & Purpose - 7 Minute Read

What It Means to Live Without Fear

Faith in Culture - 4 Minute Read

How Resting On Sunday Can Transform Your Perspective

Hearing God's Voice - 4 Minute Read

How I Learned To Just Talk To God

Hearing God's Voice - 6 Minute Read

How This Ancient Meditation Practice Changes My Day

Identity & Purpose - 7 Minute Read

Saints in Your Corner If You Have Anxiety